Tag Archives: Statistics

Linear Regression

A linear regression is a special case of the classical linear regression models that describes the relationship between two variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data. Thereby, one variable is considered to be the explanatory (or independent) variable, and the other variable is considered to be the dependent variable. For instance, an econometrician might want to relate weight to their calorie consumption using a linear regression model.

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Clustered Standard Errors in STATA

In STATA clustered standard errors are obtained by adding the option cluster(variable_name) to your regression, where variable_name specifies the variable that defines the group / cluster in your data. The summary output will return clustered standard errors. Here is the syntax:

 regress x y, cluster(variable_name)

Below you will find a tutorial that demonstrates how to Continue reading Clustered Standard Errors in STATA

Seasonal Adjustment in R

The package ‘Seasonal’ facilitates seasonal adjustment in R. The R package provides an easy-to-handle wrapper around the X-13ARIMA-SEATS Fortran libraries provided by the US Census Bureau. X-13ARIMA-SEATS is the state-of-the-art seasonal adjustment software produced, distributed, and maintained by the Census Bureau. Continue reading Seasonal Adjustment in R

R – Pros and Cons

Learning a new programming language is costly. Usually it takes a considerable amount of time to get acquainted with a new language. Especially the first phase can be painful and frustrating. The good thing is that with enough time and effort most of us will learn how to master a programming language eventually. However, note that, once we are comfortable with one language, we hardly want to change again. It turns out that the cost of abandoning on programming language and switch to another are even higher than at the beginning. Knowing this, we really want to make sure not to invest in the wrong language. There might be nothing worse than after finally mastering a programming language, recognizing that there is no use for this language anymore. While in a former post I highlighted reason why to use R, I concentrate on the Pros and Cons of R in this post.

Advantages of R

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